About Us
The Clifton Pastoral Charge consists of two congregations; the Old Barns and the Hilden United Churches More information on each congregation can be found by following the links below.

Old Barns United Church

Hilden United Church
Our Mission
To provide a friendly, welcoming, caring, and safe environment to promote spiritual growth.
Our Vision
We are committed to a vision of ministry that is welcoming, inviting and affirming of all people. The vision we boldly claim is one which we identify in Jesus' ministry among the people of his own time, teaching through word and action that each person is a beloved child of God, and worthy of God`s, and therefore our love, care and compassion. We celebrate the richness that diversity brings to our church, as it challenges and transforms our concept of community. We journey in faith, publicly declaring our commitment to create a community where people of every age, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental and physical ability, family status, economic level and cultural background are welcome to take part in every aspect of church life, including membership, leadership, fellowship and celebrating life's milestones. By word and action, with God`s spirit to guide us, we will work to counter injustice, which violates a person's right to respect, dignity, and a fair and equitable treatment in church and in society.